Science educator, biologist, technology guru, and award-winning author of Esperanto-language haiku, haibun, and prose. he/his
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#WordWeavers Do you belong to any writing organizations? Are they helpful?
I belong to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) and serve as Secretary. I also belong to a regional writing group, the Straw Dog Writers Guild. These have both been very helpful to me in terms of networking and learning the business and craft sides of authorship. I've thought about joining the Authors Guild and the Alliance of Independent Authors. And Lambda Literary. I believe in organizing.
<p>*Lady Cecelia's Trial* is Part 6
*Lady Cecelia's Trial* is Part 6 of *Lady Cecelia's Journey*, a sapphic romantasy road story. It has not yet been scheduled for release, but if you subscribe to my monthly mailing list, you can receive updates when it appears.
<p>They landed in the Capital's
They landed in the Capital's aerodrome before sunrise where a coach was on hand for the Baron and carried them to the palace of Ravensbelth. Cecelia had never been to the Capital before and looked eagerly out the windows of the coach at the deserted streets. Ravensbelth was dark and foreboding as they arrived: a huge palace behind high stone walls, with many gables, towers, spires, and turrets. With little fanfare they arrived at the business entrance.
#wss366 (from *Lady Cecelia's Trial*)
<p>Wow. The Republican President has
Wow. The Republican President has sure fixed the high price of eggs.
<p>They are working in an adjacent
They are working in an adjacent apartment, making loud banging and scraping noises. Tanuki-chan does not like the banging or the scraping. #DogsOfMastodon
<p>There are three sequel novellas to
There are three sequel novellas to *Revin's Heart*: *Devishire!*, *Campshire!*, and *Ecororize!*. They have not yet been scheduled for publication. To find out when they are released, you can subscribe to my monthly mailing list.
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#WordWeavers MC POV: What was your relationship with your parents? Siblings?
Revin is estranged from his family (as described in this scene from *Rewriting the Rules*). In the first sequel, *Devishire!*, he reconciles with his brother.
<p>Whew! I just finished my first draft
Whew! I just finished my first draft of Ecorozire! This is the third novella sequel to Revin's Heart. It's still pretty rough, but I think it's all there.
<p>The two boys laid on the floor of
The two boys laid on the floor of their treehouse on an #August afternoon. "Whaddaya wanna do?" one said.
The calls of cicadas mixed with the sounds of a lawn sprinkler and a lawn mower.
"We didn't do nothin' yesterday either."
"It's too hot to do nothin'."
"That's what I'm sayin'!"
Then they heard the tickling music of an ice-cream truck as it came around the corner into the neighborhood. They sat up and looked at one another.
"You go stop 'em! I'll go ask mom for money!"
<p>I'm seeing calls to mark your
I'm seeing calls to mark your calendar for a 2025 #MarchForScience on March 7.
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#WordWeavers How many people can your MC call their support system?
After Revin lost his mentor, he joined the pirates. Since then, he has kept adding to his support system. First the captain (Will), his first mate (Grip), and the first-mate's sister (Momo), and on and on. It's been fun to bring all of those characters together in the more recent stories for various celebratory events (which I won't identify because spoilers.)
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#WritersCoffeeClub Tell us about a writer’s block that scuttled a project. Would you like to revisit it?
I don't call anything in my experience "writer's block." I just have wildly uneven rates of productivity on things. I have some projects I'm not working on right now, but if the fancy strikes me, I might start working on them tomorrow. Or today.
<p>another funny story with a different
another funny story with a different bad word
There was a water leak along the street this morning. My wife asked, "Which side of the street was it on?"
"East side."
She said, "Did you just say 'East side' like some kind of asshole?"
<p>If I told you you had a tasty chew,
If I told you you had a tasty chew, would you hold it against me? #DogsOfMastodon
<p>funny story with a bad word</p><hr>
funny story with a bad word
One of the ways you can recognize a local here is because you don't pronounce the H in Amherst. My son was talking to a robot online and it asked what town he was in.
"Amherst," he said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't understand that. What town are you in?"
"One moment please..."
"Fuckin' robots," he grumbled.
<p>I'm seeing reports that the NIH
I'm seeing reports that the NIH is going to cap indirect costs on grants at 15%. Currently, at my university, they're set at 61.5%. What this means is that life science research is going to be devastated and universities will be crippled. The overhead is what pays the bonds for the buildings and other big investments that universities have made in order to carry out this expensive work.
If you want to stay current with life science research in future, you might want to start learning Chinese.
<p>*Lady Cecelia's Temptation* is
*Lady Cecelia's Temptation* is the omake story for *Lady Cecelia's Journey*, a sapphic romantasy road story. It has not yet been scheduled for release, but if you subscribe to my monthly mailing list, you can receive updates when it appears.
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#LesFicFri "Surprise"
"Good morning," Cecelia said.
The girl, not expecting anyone so early, jumped and squealed. Taken by surprise, she spun around. She looked at Cecelia and her eyes widened.
"Good morning, Milady," she breathed. She had picked up that Cecelia was a member of the aristocracy instantly from her accent. "It's going to be a moment before the kitchen is ready. May I bring you a cup of coffee?"
"Yes, Milady. Of course! Tea!"