Science educator, biologist, technology guru, and award-winning author of Esperanto-language haiku, haibun, and prose. he/his
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<p>"Is this it?" the bear
"Is this it?" the bear said, holding out his paw.
She squealed when she saw it. Relieved, she put it on. Then, after thanking him profusely, she walked back to her SkyHopper.
"Thanks, Stogie," the Ranger said.
"It's all in a day's work."
"Keep it up and you'll get promoted to Ring Bear." (2/2)
<p>The first time I was able to vote in
The first time I was able to vote in a presidential election, I was proud to cast my vote for Jimmy Carter. We won't see his like again in my lifetime.
<p>Do the Dems have any idea how
Do the Dems have any idea how annoying it is to receive emails that say, "We need you to give money before this arbitrary deadline to make our numbers look good." And not, for instance, "We're trying to accomplish this important and worthy goal and need money to do it."
<p><a href="
#SilentSunday at Shaw's Gardens in St. Louis, Missouri (June 15, 2008) #BloomScrolling
<p>I wrote a post about what we can do
I wrote a post about what we can do in the face of the coming change in Federal administration:
<p>Text message at 10:41am from <span
Text message at 10:41am from @philipbrewer:
Oh-oh-woah, oh
Oh-oh-woah, oh
Oh-oh-woah, oh
<p>"Yes, the Fun Meal comes with
"Yes, the Fun Meal comes with dessert. But this is *second* dessert!"
Tau ruffed, his forehead wrinkled.
Bebe gasped. "Bebe is *not* gorging herself! Tau is the one who gorges himself. He eats his whole meal in a single bite!"
Tau studied her.
"Bebe will buy you one too!" she wheedled. #wss366 (2/2)
<p>Tau escorted Bebe. The other Angels
Tau escorted Bebe. The other Angels wanted to rest after dinner, but Bebe wanted to take a walk through the Truck Stop.
"Ooh!" she squealed. "Bebe wants a crepe!"
Tau barked.
"Yes, I had a Fun Meal for dinner. But this is dessert!"
Tau barked again. (1/2)
<p>[ima just leave this here] <a href=
[ima just leave this here]
<p>I dreamed last night I was trying to
I dreamed last night I was trying to show someone a shell command, but my hand was asleep and I couldn't type. I was trying to type a long path and kept flubbing it. When I woke up, I found that my hand actually *was* asleep.
<p><a href="
#WordWeavers Would your MC look forward to a family reunion?
"Do your parents know what's happened to you? Have you been home to see your family since you left?" the Baron asked.
"No," Revin said. "They could never accept that… that I would never be the docile little girl they wanted. That I wasn't going to let myself be married off to an older man and beaten into submission to bear his children and do his housework."
(from Rewriting the Rules, Part 7 of Revin's Heart)
<p>Mom is home and, for five minutes,
Mom is home and, for five minutes, all is right with the world.
<p><a href="
#WritersCoffeeClub How consistent are you with your writing?
My writing is highly variable. Sometimes I'm very productive and other times I do very little. I like to have several projects going at once and will sometimes write a short story when I feel like doing something completely different. But I learned a long time ago that my creative output is variable and so I don't worry about it. I've always thought that the people who try to keep a schedule and force themselves to write are craycray.
<p>This morning, I'm hanging out
This morning, I'm hanging out with my li'l hime-sama while my son goes to visit his grandma in the hospital. Tanuki-chan wishes she could go to pull on all the oxygen hoses and IVs. #DogsOfMastodon
<p>Someone left the fortune from a
Someone left the fortune from a fortune cookie on the table. It says, "Let your Mondays be filled with passion and purpose."
I guess the rest of the days can go hang.
<p>My mom is still in the hospital, so
My mom is still in the hospital, so I sent her a cheery, good-morning message. I worried for a moment I might wake her up. But then I remembered she won't have her hearing aids in, so no danger of that.
<p>"Check it out!" the
"Check it out!" the tourist said. "It's a gaboon viper!"
"Oh, no," the guide said. "That's a puff adder. The color is different and the pattern is more zigzaggy."
"Rats! I always wanted to see a gaboon viper!"
"Watch where you're putting your feet, or it'll be the last thing you see."
<p>"neoliberalism has created so
"neoliberalism has created so much precarity that the commodification of the self is now seen as the only route to any kind of economic security" — Naomi Klein