Science educator, biologist, technology guru, and award-winning author of Esperanto-language haiku, haibun, and prose. he/his
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<p>I have returned safely home, through
I have returned safely home, through the teeth of a winter storm, after a full day at Arisia.
<p>I'm half way through my panels
I'm half way through my panels at Arisia. Everything's been good so far. Two more panels and then a loooong drive home through the snow.
<p>John Connor: But I had to get you
John Connor: But I had to get you out of there! That AI — it was going to sell you a whole series of AI-generated imagery!
Sarah Connor: I wasn't going to buy any! Just use a few fun ones, to make Internet memes.
John Connor: But that's how they HOOK you!
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#WritersCoffeeClub What are your biggest fears for the writing world in 2025?
I'm most concerned about the collapse of traditional publishing. There are only 4-5 publishers left. And they keep pushing more of the work and the risk onto authors. People that write do so as a hobby, or some kind of compulsion, rather than a legitimate path of professional endeavor.
Horrifyingly, the re-intermediation that has destroyed the Internet may perversely help. Heaven help us for praying for *that*.
<p>I've posted my platform
I've posted my platform statement for running for re-election as Secretary of SFWA:
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#WordWeavers Do you prefer long or short works? What’s your sweet spot?
I think the story know how long it needs to be. But, personally, I like telling novelette-length stories. And I like writing serials. But I enjoy everything from microfiction to novels.
<p>Tanuki-chan is baffled by the
Tanuki-chan is baffled by the mystery of the squeaker. #DogsOfMastodon
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#WritersCoffeeClub How would you describe the way you create your stories to a non-writer?
Hmm. I guess it would depend on the person. I might describe it as as cooking a sumptuous meal. Or perhaps preparing for and taking a road trip. In both cases, there is a lot of planning and research. And then the work that goes into actually accomplishing the thing. That's the "creating the story" part. It doesn't account for the publishing and publicity work that goes into being an author.
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#WordWeavers What is your shortest work?
My shortest *published* work is *The Better Angels and the Giddy Genial Gag* which clocks in at 280 words (not including the title). It's in *Better Angels: Tour de Force*. You can find it on the Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy.
<p>"Aaaah!" screamed Sisi,
"Aaaah!" screamed Sisi, when she saw Sssindy's eyes.
"Aww. Don't worry, Sssweety," Sssindy said. "Thisss isss normal when I'm gettin' ready to ssshed."
"Will they get better?"
"Tomorrow I'll be right asss rain!"
The next day, the Angels helped Sssindy wriggle out of her old skin. The new skin underneath was a glorious, vibrant pink.
"That feelsss better!" she said.
"Ooh! Feel how soft and smooth it is!" Sisi said.
"Bebe thinks she feels like shoes."
"Hush!" the rest of the Angels said.
<p>Brrr. Cold this morning! It says its
Brrr. Cold this morning! It says its 14° but I think it must be 14° kelvin.
<p>Join us for Romancing SFF on Zoom
Join us for Romancing SFF on Zoom this Saturday, January 18, for 2025 goal setting! Time is 11:00 am PST. Open to SFWA members and Nebula Conference Participants.
<p>"I don't think we should do
"I don't think we should do this," Bruce said. He looked around nervously.
"Don't be such a #pussy," Rex said, trying to jimmy the door open.
The boiler-room door opened and the boys peered inside.
"If he catches us, we're dead," Bruce said.
"Looking for something?" said a gravelly voice behind them. "Step into my office, boys!"
They spun, panicked, and stared wide-eyed at the burly custodian.
"Mr. Pick! We didn't…"
He shooed them into the hot, steamy room.
"Let me tell you a story…"
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#WritersCoffeeClub Would you ever hide your politics to avoid alienating some readers?
Of course. No-one is fully honest with the world. If you've ever written a "fade to black" scene, you're censoring your writing to appeal to the audience. Everyone's writing takes positions, but few are willing to fully reveal their thinking.
One thing I've learned the longer I've lived: times change, but changing yourself is hard. I'm full of contradictions. It's sometimes easier to posture than explain.
<p>Foxglove DIPA? What's next?
Foxglove DIPA? What's next? Deadly Nightshade?
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#PennedPossibilities 557. For the writers who have more than one WIP: How do you balance multiple projects at once?
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#WritersCoffeeClub Are you a pantser or a plotter? Have you always been this way? What brought you here?
I started out as a pantser. At some point, I began experiencing anxiety that I would write myself into a corner, so I began plotting obsessively. I thought the outline would serve as guardrails. At some point, I realized that — even after I wrote the outline — I was still pantsing. It turns out the outline was really only necessary to assuage my anxiety. But it does help with that.
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#Writephant You can always find my books and other stuff at my website:
I invite people to participate in @wss366 — I've found that these daily warm-ups are fun and helpful to get me thinking creatively every day.
I encourage people to join the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA). SFWA advocates for authors, helps set standards for fair contracts, and provides essential networking. Help us grow!