Science educator, biologist, technology guru, and award-winning author of Esperanto-language haiku, haibun, and prose. he/his
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<p>I have published my *Year in Writing
I have published my *Year in Writing* post for 2024. It's nice to look back on the year and reflect on my accomplishments. #WritingLife
<p><a href="
#WordWeavers Do your characters ever stargaze?
Yes. although sometimes there are problems.
<p><a href="
#WritersCoffeeClub What Christmas treat will you enjoy while writing over the holidays?
I'm planning to get a turkey and bake it. We got a smoked turkey for Thanksgiving and my (vegan) son said we should get a regular turkey for Christmas so Tanuki-chan can have more. My wife found this logic absurd, but I will love sharing some turkey with my little hime-sama.
<p>food with unidentifiable lumps that
food with unidentifiable lumps that are reportedly meat and a can that might contain an alcoholic beverage.
Dinner of champions!
<p>"That's what you get for
"That's what you get for not practicing how to squat." He squatted easily and picked up the coin. But when he went to straighten up, he suddenly said, "Ow. Ow! Ouch!"
"What's wrong?" Scott said.
"I think I strained my back! Can you help me up?"
"Sure. For a dime." 2/2
<p>The elderly brothers parked and
The elderly brothers parked and Scott, the younger, went to feed the parking meter. He groaned when he dropped a dime. He bent over to pick it up, but he couldn't quite get his fingers under it and after a moment straightened up with a gasp.
His older brother Paul snickered. 1/2
<p>Today I learned that Michael Brewer
Today I learned that Michael Brewer (no relation) passed away. He was one of the artists who recorded "One Toke Over the Line". The obit mentioned that Lawrence Welk mistook the song for a modern spiritual and recorded it on his show in 1971. Totally worth watching.
<p>Solstice greetings!</p
Solstice greetings!
<p><a href="
#WritersCoffeeClub Is anyone getting a copy of your latest book for Solstice?
Someone asked for a signed copy of Revin's Heart for their trans son.
<p>"Alright," I says to my
"Alright," I says to my wife. "I'm headed down to my office. Let me know if you need anything."
"So's you can hide?"
"Well, duh!"
<p>If you like my posts about Tau and
If you like my posts about Tau and the rest of the crew on the Truck Stop, you should pick up a copy of *Better Angels: Tour de Force*. Some rando guy at a convention once said they reminded him of Douglas Adams. I would never make such a claim, but this rando guy did. #books
<p>"Follow her?" the man said
"Follow her?" the man said nervously. "No, I'm… I'm just headed out."
Tau's hackles came up all along his back. He snarled menacingly. Marv came over and put a hand on the man's shoulder.
"I think you'd better wait five minutes, young man," he said. "Ol' Tau knows what he's talkin' about." 4/4
<p>Robots had once been everywhere.
Robots had once been everywhere. Most had been now been discarded — replaced by non-human biological androids. Marv was a grizzled old tinker who took in cast off robots and kept them working, where they ran the bar. He always poured out a beer for Tau. 2/4
<p>Tau's ears perked up when she
Tau's ears perked up when she slapped him. She had been sitting at the counter in Marv's when the young man made unwanted advances. He now held his cheek as she glared at him angrily.
Whenever Tau came to the Red Sector of the Truck Stop, he liked to visit Marv's Robot Bar. 1/4
<p>I finished assigning grades for the
I finished assigning grades for the semester this morning and then, rather than doing anything productive, I made pizza bowls, took a walk with my mom, and took a nap. I did get a token amount of writing done tonight. But tomorrow I should be able to start writing full time until February!
<p>With a wet sound, the troll wrenched
With a wet sound, the troll wrenched a leg off and handed it over.
"Thankee kindly," Bert said.
Alan struggled against his rising gorge. While the trolls were distracted, he dragged himself out. He slithered off into the shadows, weeping as the trolls feasted upon the body of his fallen comrade. 2/2