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Updated: 2 hours 1 min ago

<p>The <a href="

Mon, 02/03/2025 - 05:08

The word for today is — a fitting word for the times. I look forward to reading what people do with it!

<p>On the Internet, nobody knows you&

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 20:40

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. But they can tell if you're an asshole.

<p><a href="

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 12:56

View from Sequoia National Monument photographed using Kodachrome, January 1991.

<p>The bear took a drag from his smoke.

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 06:17

The bear took a drag from his smoke. He stood in the deep shadows of giant hemlocks, while he observed the drama play out.
The man rubbed his shoulder and cursed as he headed to the trash can.
"That's gonna leave a ," the bear growled to himself, breathing out smoke. (4/4)

<p>&quot;And WHO is going to dispose of

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 06:17

"And WHO is going to dispose of it properly?" Forrest continued. His beak clacked sharply near the man's ear, making him jump.
"I will!"
Forrest dropped the wrapper and with a powerful beat of his wings, lifted silently back into the air, to resume his patrol. (3/4)

<p>&quot;Whoa!&quot; the man said, then

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 06:17

"Whoa!" the man said, then froze as razor-sharp talons dug into his flesh.
"WHO dropped this?" Forrest asked, holding the wrapper up before the man's eyes, the talons of his other foot digging in even further to maintain his balance.
"I… I did!" the man stammered. (2/4)

<p>Forrest glided over the park on

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 06:17

Forrest glided over the park on silent wings. Watching. Far below, a park visitor unwrapped a piece of candy and dropped the wrapper.
Forrest went into a dive, swooped down, and collected the wrapper still on the wing. He landed noiselessly, without warning, on the man's shoulder. (1/4)

<p>Feel free to wish my 92-year-old mom

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 05:27

Feel free to wish my 92-year-old mom a happy birthday.

<p>I checked the temperature — 5°F —

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 05:25

I checked the temperature — 5°F — dreading the early morning dash out to get the newspapers. Then I remembered it's Sunday, the one day they bring the papers to the door. Ah… One needs to take pleasure in small things during these uncertain times.

And if you're wondering why we still get newspapers delivered, they're for my mom who just turned 92.

<p>He headed to a bin and began digging

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:43

He headed to a bin and began digging through a pile of dirty cables.
"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" squawked the bird.
"Why does he…" the greybeard started to ask.
"Oh. It's a parroty error." (4/4)

(Apologies to whoever wrote the original joke. And to everyone who reads this. And for accidentally posting this thread twice and removing it and posting it again.)

<p>A stooped, slim elderly man stepped

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:43

A stooped, slim elderly man stepped out of the backroom, wiping his greasy hands off with a rag.
"What can I do you for?" he asked.
"I need an RS232 adapter for a Centronics parallel port connector."
The man thought for a moment then said, "I think I got one." (2/4)

<p>&quot;Pieces of seven! Pieces of

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:43

"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" he heard.
He turned and saw a bird cage by the register with a colorful macaw. It looked at him first with one eye and then the other.
"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" it squawked, its contracting and expanding spasmodically. (2/4)

<p>The bell on the door clanged when

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:43

The bell on the door clanged when the stout greybeard pushed into the store. He looked around at all the old technology junk. His eyes lighted first on a teletype with a paper tape reader. He smiled. He hadn't seen one of those since he was a kid. (1/4)

<p>He headed to a bin and began digging

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:04

He headed to a bin and began digging through a pile of dirty cables.
"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" squawked the bird.
"Why does he…" the greybeard started to ask.
"Oh. It's a parroty error." (4/4)

(Apologies to whoever wrote the original joke. And to everyone who reads this.)

<p>He headed to a bin and began digging

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:04

He headed to a bin and began digging through a pile of dirty cables.
"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" squawked the bird.
"Why does he…" the greybeard started to ask.
"Oh. It's a parroty error." (4/4)

(Apologies to whoever wrote the original joke. And to everyone who reads this.)

<p>A stooped, slim elderly man stepped

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:04

A stooped, slim elderly man stepped out of the backroom, wiping his greasy hands off with a rag.
"What can I do you for?" he asked.
"I need an RS232 adapter for a Centronics parallel port connector."
The man thought for a moment then said, "I think I got one." (2/4)

<p>A stooped, slim elderly man stepped

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:04

A stooped, slim elderly man stepped out of the backroom, wiping his greasy hands off with a rag.
"What can I do you for?" he asked.
"I need an RS232 adapter for a Centronics parallel port connector."
The man thought for a moment then said, "I think I got one." (2/4)

<p>&quot;Pieces of seven! Pieces of

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:04

"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" he heard.
He turned and saw a bird cage by the register with a colorful macaw. It looked at him first with one eye and then the other.
"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" it squawked, its contracting and expanding spasmodically. (2/4)

<p>&quot;Pieces of seven! Pieces of

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:04

"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" he heard.
He turned and saw a bird cage by the register with a colorful macaw. It looked at him first with one eye and then the other.
"Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!" it squawked, its contracting and expanding spasmodically. (2/4)

<p>The bell on the door clanged when

Sat, 02/01/2025 - 10:04

The bell on the door clanged when the stout greybeard pushed into the store. He looked around at all the old technology junk. His eyes lighted first on a teletype with a paper tape reader. He smiled. He hadn't seen one of those since he was a kid. (1/4)
