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Updated: 19 min 44 sec ago

<p>Come get the ball! I won&#39;t

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 18:20

Come get the ball! I won't suddenly snatch it up! Trust me!

<p>I&#39;m increasingly inclined to

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 14:07

I'm increasingly inclined to block anyone who posts imagery created by generative AI. If you want an image, make it yourself or pay an artist.

<p>The Zestars are ripe at the Park

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 12:29

The Zestars are ripe at the Park Hill Orchard! (And other kinds of apples too — but who cares about them…)

<p>This fragment is from *The Better

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 11:21

This fragment is from *The Better Angels and the Military Morale Mishegoss* in *Better Angels: Tour de Force* from the Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy.

<p><a href="

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 08:12

What’s your MC’s everyday fear (not worst fear)?

Revin is trans and fears being misgendered.

<p><a href="

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 08:07

Do you incorporate poems, songs, or letters in your work? How do you format them?

The Better Angels stories frequently have songs that the Angels perform. Some are my own creation and some are adaptations. They often include Japanese lyrics as a nod to K-pop and J-pop songs. The lyrics are usually formatted as an italicized block quote.

<p>&quot;Cap&#39;n Tau!&quot; David

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 07:47

"Cap'n Tau!" David said. "I'm glad to see you! We have a new mission that might be pretty hairy. Do you think maybe you could pilot for us again?"
Tau barked.
"Ooh!" Zaza said. "So Lambda is coming to visit again. Well, you wouldn't want to miss that!"
Tau's tongue lolled.
"We'll be sorry to not have you," David said, then continued with a wink. "But you'll probably be 'otherwise engaged.'"
"Bebe wants to know what they're going to do!" Bebe said, curiously.
Mumu gestured silently.

<p><a href="

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 15:11

To what extent does technology impact your story?

Technology is nearly always a fundamental part of world building. For example, in my fluffy military space opera about the Better Angels, technology is everywhere: starships, replicators, jump points, and the Angels themselves as non-human biological androids — which the galaxy turned to after the Flerovium Wars between organic and artificial intelligences, to ensure that intelligences were always embodied.

<p><a href="

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 15:07

Do different cultural/class manners factor into your worldbuilding?

Revin's Heart includes a "comedy of manners" quality based on the relations among the aristocracy. And between the commoners and the aristocracy. Underlying the humor is an effort to explore the way people have a tendency to worship wealth and power — and to find having a role in a hierarchy tends to reify the hierarchy itself. It takes an unusual person to see beyond those roles and imagine something else.

<p>After 28 years of full-time

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 10:14

After 28 years of full-time employment, I am starting a new phase of life. This fall, I begin my "phased retirement" where I start working just half time. I'm excited to see what the new normal will be like.

<p>Learn more about Sssindy and the

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 07:22

Learn more about Sssindy and the Better Angels in *Better Angels: Tour de Force* at the Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy.

<p>The Better Angels had arrived late

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 07:20

The Better Angels had arrived late to the resort planet of Karela. In the morning, David got up but the Angels were no-where to be found. He walked through the whole ship. Then he noticed the upper hatch was open. Climbing up the ladder, he found Sssindy & Angels basking in the early morning sun on top of the starship.
"David! David!" they cried. "Join us! Join us!"
He shut his eyes.
"But why are you naked?"
"Sssindy is naked," Zaza said.
"But Sssindy is a snake! She's always naked!"

<p>&quot;How do you get the food out

Mon, 08/26/2024 - 07:41

"How do you get the food out?" Zsazsa asked.
"Ta da!" Booboo held up an opener. She retrieved the can and succeeded in attaching the opener. She twisted the crank, while they watched, fascinated. After she peeled back the lid, she passed out forks to everyone. "Here! Try some!"
They took turns dipping a fork in and tasting the contents of the can.
"Ew! What is this?" They spat out the tuna into the trash.
"Who cares?" Booboo said. "This the last time I ever eat anything out of a can!"

<p>&quot;What is *that* thing?&quot;

Mon, 08/26/2024 - 07:40

"What is *that* thing?" Susan asked.
Booboo held it up with a flourish. "Guess!"
The Butter Angels studied it. It was a small, flat, silver cylinder.
"Some kind of machine part?" "A radioactive source?" "A door stop?"
"Is it booze?" asked Lolo.
"Nope. It's a !" She handed the can to Susan & let them pass it around to inspect it.
"A what?"
"Before replicators, to preserve stuff, people would put food inside a metal can and seal it up."
"Where did you get it?"
"I just replicated it."

<p>I attended the SFWA Writing Date. I&

Sun, 08/25/2024 - 19:21

I attended the SFWA Writing Date. I'm hoping to get one more short story finished before the beginning of the semester. I made good progress. There's a good chance…

<p>Hawkweed buds… <a href="https:/

Sun, 08/25/2024 - 10:19

Hawkweed buds…

<p>&quot;What is that plant?&quot;

Sun, 08/25/2024 - 09:08

"What is that plant?" Helia asked.
Cecelia smiled. "What do you notice about it?"
Helia narrowed her eyes in concentration as she looked again more closely.
"Well, it has a square stem…"
"So that means…" Cecelia prompted.
"It's some kind of mint!"
Helia blushed & basked in the praise, then continued, "But which one?"
Cecelia picked a and crushed it under her nose. Helia wrinkled up her nose with disgust.
"Ew! What is that!?"
"Catnip," Cecelia said. "Catnip is a mint too."

<p><a href="

Sun, 08/25/2024 - 07:43

Do you format all your writing similarly or use special formatting for specific sections?

For manuscripts, I use Shunn Classic:

Unless the submission guidelines say to do something else. And then I do something else. Because you should always follow the submission guidelines.

Since I'm old, manuscripts don't look like manuscripts to me unless they're in Courier.

I have published chapbooks & 'zines using Scribus for page layout. Page layout is fun.

<p><a href="

Sun, 08/25/2024 - 07:31

What soundscape do you prefer when writing?

I like listening to jpop or kpop girl groups (especially the Japanese versions of the songs.) Songs with English lyrics might interfere with my writing, but songs in Japanese don't. I also sometimes listen to "lofi" and light jazz streams via the tubes. shrug.
