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Updated: 1 hour 12 min ago

<p><a href="

Mon, 08/19/2024 - 09:40

Is there dancing in your world? What kind?

The lights suddenly cut out and there was darkness. There were a handful of screams in the giant space. Then the drums started up and the space stadium erupted with cheers. The bass picked up the beat. Then a spotlight stabbed down illuminating Zaza, wearing a pink-and-blue magical girl costume. She made a dramatic gesture and the stage lights came up, illuminating the rest of the Better Angels who struck a pose while the crowd went wild.

<p><a href="

Mon, 08/19/2024 - 09:34

What are the top five things you've learned on your writing journey?
1) Never trust The Hag.
2) Some words are unreliable.
3) The sound is always.
4) Things were probably ambiguous then.
5) It didn't really happen.

<p>After she finished breakfast, the

Sun, 08/18/2024 - 20:10

After she finished breakfast, the maid went to pick up the tray, but then turned to Cecelia and whispered to her, "I'm so sorry this is happening to you, Milady!"
"Thank you," Cecelia whispered back. "What's your name?"
"My name is Jewel. Is there anything I can do for Milady?"
"I don't think so, Jewel."
"Let me give you a hug, Milady," she said. "I can at least do this much."
Something seemed off to Cecelia and she was going to push Jewel away, but then her guts began to .

<p>For $1 for a 30 day trial, I could

Sun, 08/18/2024 - 13:42

For $1 for a 30 day trial, I could find out what I said about "Brewer, Steven."

<p>I keep going back and forth between

Sun, 08/18/2024 - 09:00

I keep going back and forth between thinking, "It's only two weeks until the semester starts" and thinking, "It's still two whole weeks until the semester starts!"

<p><a href="

Sun, 08/18/2024 - 08:08

Have you ever been the basis for a character in someone else's story?

A friend in college wrote an extended story fragment that had the people in our suite as characters. It was self-indulgent and charming. I think I still have a copy of it somewhere…

<p>The lights in the workshop flickered

Sat, 08/17/2024 - 16:01

The lights in the workshop flickered, then snapped on. Jed tossed the deprimed brass into the tumbler & turned on the crucible. While it heated up, he opened the new canister of propellant, measured out a charge & put it on the scale. It was a few grains shy, so he increased the volume slightly, measured again, & was right on the money. He cleaned & primed the cartridges, charged them with propellant, seated the freshly-cast bullets, & crimped the brass. Then he loaded his revolver.

<p><a href="

Sat, 08/17/2024 - 07:05

Are real people you know ever the basis for characters in your story?

I'll never tell.

<p><a href="

Sat, 08/17/2024 - 07:04

What was your motivation for choosing past or present tense?

I didn't choose present tense for the same reason I didn't choose conditional or future tense: it would be extremely weird.

<p>Etra checked her make up in the

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 19:04

Etra checked her make up in the mirror. She reapplied her lipstick & then saw her chipped tooth. A wave of emotion washed over her. She remembered his fist coming at her face, over & over again. And the feeling when his ring smashed into her tooth. She flushed & caught hold of the sink to hold herself up until the feelings passed. Then she remembered the smell of the revolver smoke. And watching the life leave his eyes. She smiled slightly, put her lipstick away, & rejoined the party.

<p><a href="

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 11:01

Do you like the process of world-building?

I just wrote a post about using geomorphology and botany to enhance my ability to describe settings. I love worldbuilding — all of it.

<p>Tanuki-chan thinks it&#39;s taking

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 08:31

Tanuki-chan thinks it's taking MUCH TOO LONG to fix her breakfast.

<p><a href="

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 07:08

In 500 characters, can you write a short story?

Sherrie fumed as she drove to the convenience store. She'd texted Walter that she needed them while he was still at work, but he'd refused to stop to get "those things." Then, as she was leaving, he'd had the nerve to say, "Pick me up some , honey."

She grabbed the tampons, then walked to the cooler. They had a lot of the craft IPAs he preferred. She grabbed a six pack of cheap lager. "Beer is beer," she thought, savagely.

<p>Just as the sun set, I spied a thin

Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:44

Just as the sun set, I spied a thin stream of smoke and found a tiny cabin tucked into the hillside just across a small brook.
I crossed a footbridge and walked up to the door. To the side, there were racks of herbs drying. I could smell something toothsome roasting inside.
I knocked on the door and waited. I heard footsteps, the sound of the bolt being drawn back, and then the door opened. A stout, gray-haired woman looked at me and then smiled.
"It's good to see you, brother!"

<p>&quot;I&#39;m looking for Tabitha

Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:44

"I'm looking for Tabitha," I said. The farmer twitched and then stared at me like I was crazy.
"Turn left at the big tree," he said. "Then just follow that path to the end."
I nodded and turned to go.
"She's a witch, you know!" he said after me.
I waved my hand vaguely at him and then kept walking.
My feet were sore and I felt dirty and smelly after three days of walking.
I found the big tree and the small path to the left. It wound through a field and then along the side of a hill.

<p><a href="

Thu, 08/15/2024 - 07:37

Have you used any form of AI to help in creating your work? Do you have a red line?

No. Never have. Never will. I would avoid having any device or using any service that has AI associated with it in any form, if I could — with one possible exception: I would like to have an AI agent that I could deploy against corporate AI phone trees that would do whatever it takes to get a human on the line, then put them on hold and connect me.

<p>Geomorphology and botany can

Wed, 08/14/2024 - 20:22

Geomorphology and botany can contribute to the verisimilitude of the description of settings in fiction.

<p>I&#39;m out in the tent for Straw

Wed, 08/14/2024 - 18:56

I'm out in the tent for Straw Dog Writes with a glass of Drambuie. Now I just need to figure out what I want to write…
