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Updated: 2 hours 24 min ago

<p>I see my trans and queer siblings

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 13:15

I see my trans and queer siblings beginning to step back to protect themselves given the coming political turmoil. I'm sad, but I understand and encourage everyone to do what they need to to stay safe.

Part of why I came out when I did, and started writing the stories I do, is because, as an old white guy, I am relatively safer. So I will not shut up. And I will keep putting my stories out there.

<p>Today, I received my copies of

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 11:57

Today, I received my copies of *Romancing the Rainbow*. It's a lovely book and has great stories in it (especially my story *Always a Destroyer*!) so I invite everyone to order a copy today.

<p><a href="

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 09:51

How do your characters feel about the ocean?

Cecelia, who had flown on airships several times, smiled to see Kasseh so excited. 
"Soon, you'll get to see the ocean."
It was a beautiful morning for flying with a clear sky and light winds. Kasseh stayed glued to the windows for the hour it took to reach the ocean. And when it came into view she drew in her breath and marveled at the sight of the boundless sea stretching off to the horizon.
(from *Lady Cecelia's Captivity*.)

<p><a href="

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 09:46

Is there an overriding theme to your WIP? What is it?

It's about love that transcends the boundaries of class and gender.

As the Baron says, "When you have two people who are as much in love as these two are, it would be a travesty to keep them apart."

It's as simple as that.

<p>A huge bouncer stood out on the

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 07:59

A huge bouncer stood out on the street.
Cecelia started toward the raucous bar. Helia grabbed her hand.
"You can't go in there!" she said. "The only women there are…"
Cecelia shook off her hand and walked up to the bouncer. He was a giant of a man, with massive arms, and a thick, burly black beard.
"Where d'ya think you're goin', missy?" he growled in a rumble.
She looked up at him fearlessly.
"Where are the men you pay protection money to?" she snapped. "Tell me quickly!"

<p>Cecelia and Helia reached the

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 07:56

Cecelia and Helia reached the crossroads of the tiny hamlet in Southbury nearest her study site. She banged on the door of the constabulary
"Soldiers!" she cried. "Soldiers of Havelock! In the forest!"
"Huh? What?" called a sleepy voice from within. "Go away."
"Soldiers! We have to raise the alarm!"
"You must be mistaken," he yawned. "Come back tomorrow."
Furious, Cecelia looked around in a panic. The only light on the street was a red lantern outside a tumbledown country bar.

<p><a href="

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 21:56

Be honest. How messy is your writing space at the moment?

I just cleaned it up today. Honest!

<p>Cecelia helped Helia back across the

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 12:18

Cecelia helped Helia back across the stream & then they ran over the grass of the pasture. Helia stepped in a cowpie & slipped, falling flat on her face. She yelped when she lost her balance & a cry went from the treeline as the soldiers became aware of them.
"Get up! Get up!" Cecelia said, breathlessly, pulling her back up. They ran hand-in-hand.
Cecelia heard a crossbow bolt whiz past. Then another.
Under a cloudy sky, with no starlight — and no to aim at — the shots went wide.

<p><a href="

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 07:25

Does your WIP include an antagonist? If so, who is it? What's their relationship to the MC?

Cecelia's mother is the antagonist of Lady Cecelia's Journey.

"I just want to get away before my family learns that I was expelled," Cecelia said. "I don't know what they'll do, but I'm terrified of what will happen if they catch me."
"What's your family like? Are they really that scary?"
"You have no idea," Cecelia said, in a low tone. "My mother is ruthless."
(from Part One)

<p>Often, after a convention, I found

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 07:20

Often, after a convention, I found that my "sales rank" at Amazon has gotten a bump. But not this time. Of course, I wasn't a participant this time — I was just running the dealer table. But a fair number of people see your book and express interest in getting the ebook version. Maybe the folks at just get their books from sources other than Amazon. One can always hope. Sigh…

<p>Anthony Skaggs created an imaginary

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 20:57

Anthony Skaggs created an imaginary country called Alphistia as child which has served as a refuge for him during his entire life: Now, you can read about it in a book: *Alphistia is My Homeland*:

<p>The Water Dragon Publishing table at

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 10:27

The Water Dragon Publishing table at with Elaine Isaak, my younger son, and me. We are ready to sell you books!

<p><a href="

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 08:02

What sorts of religions are there in your WIP?

In the *Better Angels*, one of the antagonists are the HodFollowers:

"The Hodfather tells us to strike down these crimes against nature!" the man railed, holding his hands palms out. "Hod will punish you for what you've done!"
"Let me enlighten you," David said, and blasted him with the Corona-14. The man burst into flames, for a brief moment screaming and thrashing.
(from *The Better Angels and the Nighty-Night Nurses*.)

<p>That must have been quite a party…

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 07:50

That must have been quite a party…

<p><a href="

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 07:40

Where is your WIP set? Why did you choose this setting? Describe your world-building.

*Lady Cecelia's Journey* is set on the island of Belleriand in the *Revin's Heart* universe. I'm calling the story a sapphic romantasy road story because Cecelia and Kasseh travel through various towns on the island and learn about each one. I wrote the story in part to learn more about the islands — and about the time, because events in this story set in motion the events in Revin's Heart.

<p>Last morning at <a href="https:/

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 07:32

Last morning at with my usual latte, but also a croissant this morning. We'll open the dealer room to 10am, then pack it all up at 3pm. Come buy all our books so we don't have to pack them up!

<p>The stress of hiding from the

Sun, 07/14/2024 - 07:00

The stress of hiding from the soldiers was draining, but the warmth & softness of Helia was comforting. Cecelia drifted off to sleep in her arms. She awoke with a start when a whip-poor-will called nearby. It was dark. Helia was snoring quietly.
Cecelia shook her shoulder gently. She rubbed her eyes & yawned.
Cecelia looked around
"Let's make a run for it," she whispered.
They cautiously got to their feet, stiff after the prolonged period on the ground, then fled back across the field.

<p>Toooooo late.</p

Sat, 07/13/2024 - 21:19

Toooooo late.

<p>For a short time, I have a spare can

Sat, 07/13/2024 - 20:12

For a short time, I have a spare can of Treehouse beer.

<p>Anyone who is seriously suggesting

Sat, 07/13/2024 - 09:49

Anyone who is seriously suggesting that Biden drop out of the election at this point is delusional, a fool, or is actively working for the Democrats to lose.
