Science educator, biologist, technology guru, and award-winning author of Esperanto-language haiku, haibun, and prose. he/his
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<p>She went to the big replicator on
She went to the big replicator on Angels' Wings and, in just a few minutes, returned with a huge, golden goblet with inset gems that sparkled almost as much as Bebe's eyes.
"Be careful!" Zaza said, filling it and placing it before her.
Bebes chortled with delight and picked it up with both hands.
<p>She went to the big replicator on
She went to the big replicator on Angels' Wings and, in just a few minutes, returned with a huge, golden goblet with inset gems that sparkled almost as much as Bebe's eyes.
"Be careful!" Zaza said, filling it and placing it before her.
Bebes chortled with delight and picked it up with both hands.
<p>She went to the big replicator on
She went to the big replicator on Angels' Wings and, in just a few minutes, returned with a huge, golden goblet with inset gems that sparkled almost as much as Bebe's eyes.
"Be careful!" Zaza said, filling it and placing it before her.
Bebe chortled with delight and picked it up with both hands.
<p>"What's that?" asked
"What's that?" asked Mumu.
"In the show," Zaza explained, "the princess drank from a special cup called a goblet."
"We don't have any!" Mumu said.
The Angels looked at each other. Finally, Lala said, "Sheesh. I'll replicate one."
<p>"What's that?" asked
"What's that?" asked Mumu.
"In the show," Zaza explained, "the princess drank from a special cup called a goblet."
"We don't have any!" Mumu said.
The Angels looked at each other. Finally, Lala said, "Sheesh. I'll replicate one."
<p>"What's that?" asked
"What's that?" asked Mumu.
"In the show," Zaza explained, "the princess drank from a special cup called a goblet."
"We don't have any!" Mumu said.
The Angels looked at each other. Finally, Lala said, "Sheesh. I'll replicate one."
<p><a href="
#PennedPossibilities Do you remember the first thing you ever wrote creatively?
Sorta. I was probably around 11 and I tried to write a fantasy story. It was sort of like a D&D adventure, but was just a string of events: The party fought some goblins. Then they fought some orcs! Then they fought some skeletons. It was extremely tedious.
<p>Sheesh. People at Bluesky are like,
Sheesh. People at Bluesky are like, "Fix your moderation or else, if you start to charge, we won't pay. And we might leave, you know!" It's like going for your free ice-cream cone and saying, "I'll only take it if you give me two scoops. AND IT HAS TO BE BUTTER PECAN!"
<p><a href="
#WritersCoffeeClub Which novel to TV or movie adaptation was the most disappointing and why?
I was particularly disappointed by The Hobbit. What was a YA adventure story became a tragedy. Originally, I was excited by the idea that they were going to fill in some of the parts of the story that are only alluded to in the Hobbit, like where Gandalf goes when the party is traveling through Mirkwood. But re-focusing the story as a prequel to LoTR wrecked the sense of excitement & adventure.
<p><a href="
#WordWeavers Your MC is going on a picnic. Who and what do they bring?
The Better Angels are bringing Fun Meals. Because Fun Meals.
<p>A brief reflection the power of
A brief reflection the power of community. #writing
<p><a href="
#WritersCoffeeClub When did you first start reading?
When I was a small child, I wanted to read and write. Well, write anyway. I remember "writing" a letter at age 3 by copying letters (more or less at random) and seeing people's charmed-but-bemused faces when they tried to read it.
I started reading speculative fiction in fourth grade when @philipbrewer loaned me The Hobbit. I got in trouble at school because I wasn't reading the stupid "chapter books." I became a voracious reader after that.
<p>I got a new phone today. My old
I got a new phone today. My old phone was still ok for everything except being a phone, which I thought was fine, but some people (my wife) complained that I couldn't take calls. So… New phone. It's mostly set up. Mostly.
<p>The Butter Angels consulted their
The Butter Angels consulted their devices and opened the search interface.
"The building was purchased this evening," said Tumtum, "by a #shell corporation."
"The shell corporation is owned by an off-planet consortium," said Mewmew. "But it's weird. They literally don't own anything else on Volpex."
"It's not that weird," said Zsazsa. "A duchess I know says the consortium is being sued…"
"By Zasger," said Pompom.
"That bastard!" said Booboo.
#MicroPrompt (from *Butter Angels*)
<p>"You take the one on the left.
"You take the one on the left. I'll take the two on the right."
Then, before he could move, she grabbed his face between her hands and gave him a long, deep kiss, thrusting her rough tongue into his mouth.
"For luck!"
#wss366 (from *A Familiar Problem* coming January from Water Dragon Publishing.)
<p>"Are you ready?" the demon
"Are you ready?" the demon asked.
"For what?"
"Direwolves always hunt in packs, Sugar," she said, springing up and pulling him to his feet. And, as if on cue, a chorus of howls broke out all around them.
Rory saw three pairs of eyes closing in from two sides.