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Structure of Science

I've rarely had a weekend seem so welcome. This week has been horrendously busy. Today, I had people lined up out the door to print poster presentations. They all did posters on Powerpoint. Two of them worked OK and two didn't. One poor woman had two presentations that got thoroughly screwed up when you tried to print them: one of them had a graphic that became invisible when you printed it. In the other, there was a about a half-inch of the poster that disappeared. I try to tell people not to use Powerpoint, but they won't listen to me and they still expect me to somehow fix things when they don't work. It's truly maddening. I've been collecting pictures of posters that people made with Powerpoint that didn't work to show people and I've got a set of directions for how to get started with Scribus (which is the program I recommend for posters).