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A big day for the little guys

Daniel kaj herpestidoAfter a quick early-morning swim, we headed out to the refuge. We had been bringing animals back to cottages-by-the-sea, but this time we took the necessary stuff with us and processed them there. We found another little squeaker that was really cute.

While we were doing that, Tom and Jonathon went out on the point and saw some baby sea-turtles near the water getting dive-bombed by frigate birds. They chased the birds off, but it didn't matter -- once the remaining baby was in the water, a frigate bird snapped it up anyway. Poor little turtles...

After another swim and lunch, we went on the Cruzan Rum distillery tour. Alisa and I did that when we were here three years ago, so I had seen it before. Daniel has been very interested in rum and he seemed to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells. I let him take a few tiny tastes of rum and he seems mystified that he doesn't like it and wonders things like "What if we mixed light and dark rum together? Would it be good then?" I bought a six-pack of rum bottles to bring back. I had wondered what the war on moisture would do to our ability to bring rum back on the plane. You have to check it, now and pay extra to have the bottles bubble-wrapped, to increase the likelihood of receiving them unbroken. Stupid war on moisture.

Once our bottles were stowed, we drove to Christiansted and walked around for a bit. There was a baobab tree in the parking lot and a genip tree just outside. Buzz let Jonathon ride on his shoulders, so Tom gave Daniel a piggy-back ride for a while. Tom is like a big toy for the boys. We spent most of our time walking along the docks and ended up at the Fort Christiansted Brew Pub. There's no hope of getting Buzz past a brewpub without going inside, so we stayed there for dinner. They had a very hoppy ale, the Hammerhead, which Buzz and I got and enjoyed a great deal. And Daniel finally got his fries.