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Idiopathic head tremors

When I was a kid, we had a boxer that occasionally would have head tremors. We called them "trembling muppies" and would give her a cookie as a palliative when she would get them. They probably didn't make the tremors go away, but they made us feel better to do something. Our current boxer, Penny, has also had these tremors a time or two in the past and had them again this morning. So I took some time to look up them.

The technical term seems to be "Idiopathic Head Tremors", which seems to mean "unexplained non-serious head tremors". There are other kinds of head tremors, due to tumors and things, but a number of breeds of dog, including boxers, are known to suffer from idiopathic head tremors. Here's a video of a boxer displaying the behavior.

The dog is conscious and alert and doesn't really seem bothered by the tremors. We don't have any cookies right now, but we do have some fig newtons, so I gave Penny a fig newton. She took it gingerly in her mouth, carried it over to the rug and ate it. After a couple of minutes, her trembling muppies were cured.