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Nice Biography of Me

Someone Phil was tutoring at Lernu recently asked him who his brother was (after he'd mentioned consulting me about something). Phil crafted this nice biography of my Esperanto life, which I share here with his permission:

My brother, Steven Brewer, is also known as limako various places (at Lernu, for example; also @limako on twitter, etc.). He's been active in the Esperanto community for years. He was the webmaster at Esperanto-USA, and also a board member there. He's been published on paper in Literatura Forio and Beletra Almanako and on the web at Libera Folio. He's also been publishing a series of books of Esperanto haiku under the imprint Atlatl Studios. He's attended Esperantaj kongresoj all over the world. He's a fluent speaker, and a big hit at Esperanto parties. If you do twitter or read blogs you should follow him, and if you're at some Esperanto event that he attends, don't miss the chance to meet him—he's very easy to talk to in Esperanto.

Now I feel warm all over.