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Daniel's New Camera

Ka?ita metala boteloTaking a vacation is always good for bringing up one's enthusiasm. We said our goodbyes to the relatives yesterday and today has been a return to our usual Saturday schedule. Lucy and I took Penny to the farmer's market and then to the library. Afterwards, we went to the store to shop for a birthday present for Daniel and to post some birthday presents to Phil and Richard that were too large to carry back -- or uncomfortable to explain for air travel. One such gift was a flask and a hollowed-out book to conceal it in. It might have made for some difficult questions at the airport.

This afternoon, we've been invited to a garden party. I believe the attendees will primarily be Alisa's local political community. I suggested to Alisa that maybe sometime we could have a "weeds and sticks" party at our house.

It's a good thing my enthusiasm is up. It's going to be a busy week back at work before I leave for our annual trip to the beach. We got a new super high-res scanner that it will be fun to set up. But I need to focus most of my time on getting course resources ready for people.